Have you ever wondered how ChatGPT is created, or been curious about how these mysterious AI and machine learning entities work? Would you like to learn how to control them yourself and be ready to start programming?
Python is one of the most widely used programming languages globally, gaining popularity due to its simplicity, extensibility, and a vast array of libraries that assist in solving complex problems in machine learning, data analytics, and statistics.
During the course, participants will learn through practical exercises about the language constructs that make up a Python application and how to use these elements to create software. Upon completion, learners will have acquired fundamental programming concepts and basic knowledge enabling them to write and run programs developed in Python.
The purpose of the course is to provide learners with basic programming knowledge and practical experience, enabling them to continue independent studies to become software developers after the course.
Target audience: everyone who wants to acquire basic programming knowledge in the Python programming language
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Prerequisites for the course: interest in the Python programming language, basic computer skills and intermediate English proficiency.
Training Principles:
The training is practically oriented, with the theoretical part alternating with demonstrations and independent exercises.
Necessary equipment is provided in the training classroom, but participants can also use their own personal computers, provided they have full administrative rights.
The training is held in English!
Length: 26 academic hours
Continuing Education Curriculum Group: 0613 Software and Applications Development and Analysis
The training is conducted by Viko Kõva.
Viko has over 15 years of experience as a software developer and trainer. He possesses extensive knowledge and experience primarily with Microsoft products and services. He mainly trains on Microsoft products such as SharePoint, Power Platform (Power Apps, Power BI, and Power Automate), and data analysis services like MS SQL, SSIS, Analysis Services, Azure Data Lake, and Azure Data Factory from both an administrative and developer perspective.
Viko acquired his software development skills at the IT College. His major projects include the ENETA portal developed for Microsoft and a state budget planning information system in the field of data analysis.
Methods used: lecture, discussion, practical session
Methods used: lecture, discussion, practical session
Methods used: discussion, practical session
Methods used: lecture, discussion, practical session
Methods used: lecture, discussion, practical session
Methods used: discussion, practical session
Methods used: lecture, discussion, practical session
Methods used: lecture, discussion, practical session
Methods used: lecture, discussion, practical session
Methods used: discussion, practical session
Methods used: lecture, discussion, practical session
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