MD-102T00: Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator

In this course, students will learn to plan and execute an endpoint deployment strategy using contemporary deployment techniques and implementing update strategies. The course introduces essential elements of modern management, co-management approaches, and Microsoft Intune integration. It covers app deployment, management of browser-based applications, and key security concepts such as authentication, identities, access, and compliance policies. Technologies like Azure Active Directory, Azure Information Protection, and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint are explored to protect devices and data.

Target audience: The Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator is responsible for deploying, configuring, securing, managing, and monitoring devices and client applications in a corporate setting. Their duties include managing identity, access, policies, updates, and apps. They work alongside the M365 Enterprise Administrator to develop and execute a device strategy that aligns with the requirements of a modern organization. Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrators should be well-versed in M365 workloads and possess extensive skills and experience in deploying, configuring, and maintaining Windows 11 and later, as well as non-Windows devices. Their role emphasizes cloud services over on-premises management technologies.

Job role: Administrator 

Prerequisites to the course (recommended): The Modern Desktop Administrator must be familiar with M365 workloads and must have strong skills and experience of deploying, configuring, and maintaining Windows 11 and later, and non-Windows devices.

The purpose of the training: The goal of the MD-102T00: Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator training is to prepare participants for the role of Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator. The training provides the knowledge and skills required for effective planning, configuring, deploying, and managing Microsoft 365 services and endpoint devices within an organization's IT infrastructure. 

After completing this course, students will be able to: 

  • Explore endpoint management;
  • Execute device enrollment;
  • Configure profiles for users and devices;
  • Examine application management;
  • Manage authentication and compliance;
  • Manage endpoint security;
  • Deploy using on-premises-based tools;
  • Deploy using cloud-based tools.

Training Principles:

The training is held in Estonian! 

Each learning module is supported by practical exercises with hands-on laboratories.

The training takes place in a well-lit computer lab where the necessary virtual environment for learning has been prepared.

Length: 40 academic hours

Continuing Education Curriculum Group: 0612 Database and Network Design and Administration


The training is conducted by Henn Sarv.

Henn has been conducting trainings at IT Koolitus for over 25 years. He has previous training experience having shared his knowledge with Novell administrators for several years. At IT Koolitus, he has mainly, but not exclusively, focused on Microsoft products, ranging from regular users (Excel to Vision) to system administrators and programmers. However, his main expertise lies in databases (SQL) and business intelligence (BI, Excel).

Despite standing in front of the class for 25+ years, Henn has not lost touch with everyday life: he has established a development company and successfully sold it; he has consulted and implemented systems in several companies, owns a farm, and organizes badminton tournaments. Maintaining his connection with real life experiences helps Henn be an expert and a reliable source when sharing knowledge. His own ability to learn and him having completed over 60 professional exams allows him to understand learners excellently and serves as a strength for a trainer.


09:15 - 09:30

The training will take place at Vana-Lõuna 39/1, Tallinn, IT Training premises.

09:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 - 12:45
12:45 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:15
Coffee break
15:15 - 16:45


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Koolitus toimub õppeks vajaliku tarkvaraga arvutiklassis. Ratastooliga ligipääs on tagatud. 

IT Koolitus on Eesti Töötukassa koolituskaardi koostööpartner. Tutvuge koolituskaardi infoga SIIN.
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