The objective of the CompTIA Network+ training is to provide IT professionals with comprehensive knowledge and skills in personal computer operating systems and computer networks in order to advance their careers regardless of the technology or platform.
The training covers the fundamentals of networking and provides knowledge in configuring, managing, and troubleshooting various network devices (both wired and wireless networks). It also covers working with communication, mobile, cloud, and virtual technologies.
The training is intended for entry-level IT support specialists who have basic knowledge of computer hardware, software, and operating systems, and who wish to enhance their understanding of computer network operations and acquire the necessary skills to prepare for a career in network support or administration. CompTIA Network+ takes your IT career to the next level!
The training helps prepare for the new CompTIA Network+ N10-008 exam (effective from September 15, 2021). The older N10-007 exam expired on June 30, 2022.
CompTIA Network+ validates the technical skills needed to securely establish, maintain and troubleshoot the essential networks that businesses rely on.
Only CompTIA Network+ verifies that IT professionals have the range and depth of foundational networking skills to develop a career regardless of technology or platform – CompTIA Network+ is vendor-neutral networking certification, which prepares candidates to support networks on any platform.
CompTIA Network+ helps develop a career in IT infrastructure by covering troubleshooting, configuring, and managing networks. This certification validates the hands-on skills needed to work with both wired and wireless networks; also included are emerging technologies such as unified communications, mobile, cloud, and virtualization technologies. This powerful credential will help take your IT career to the next level.
Some of the additions to the newest version of CompTIA Network+(N10-008):
Target audience:
The CompTIA N+ certification training course is created for entry-level computer support professionals with a basic knowledge of computer hardware, software and operating systems, who wish to increase their knowledge and understanding of networking concepts and acquire the required skills to prepare for a career in network support or administration.
In particular, the following individuals will benefit from this course:
Prerequisites to the course (recommended):
The CompTIA N+ certification training course is a beginner-level course. Anyone with basic computer knowledge is eligible to apply for this certification. (CompTIA A+ Certification is recomended though.)
However, it would be an added advantage if the participant has 9 months to 1 year of networking experience in an IT organization.
After completing this course, students will be able to:
The training topics:
Training Principles:
The training is held in Estonian, learning material is in English!
Practical exercises run on virtual machines.
The achievement of learning outcomes is checked and assessed through independent practical work.
Length: 40 academic hours
Continuing Education Curriculum Group: 0612 Database and Network Design and Administration Curriculum Group
The training is conducted by Henn Sarv.
Henn has been conducting trainings at IT Koolitus for over 25 years. He has previous training experience having shared his knowledge with Novell administrators for several years. At IT Koolitus, he has mainly, but not exclusively, focused on Microsoft products, ranging from regular users (Excel to Vision) to system administrators and programmers. However, his main expertise lies in databases (SQL) and business intelligence (BI, Excel).
Despite standing in front of the class for 25+ years, Henn has not lost touch with everyday life: he has established a development company and successfully sold it; he has consulted and implemented systems in several companies, owns a farm, and organizes badminton tournaments. Maintaining his connection with real life experiences helps Henn be an expert and a reliable source when sharing knowledge. His own ability to learn and him having completed over 80 professional exams allows him to understand learners excellently and serves as a strength for a trainer.
Lõunat saate süüa meie majas Masinaruumi kohvikus.
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