CEH v12 Certified Ethical Hacking

The Five Phases of Ethical Hacking and the original core mission of CEH remain valid and relevant today: “To beat a hacker, you need to think like a hacker.

Course location: Virtual training

Who is a Certified Ethical Hacker?

A Certified Ethical Hacker is a specialist typically working in a red team environment, focused on attacking computer systems and gaining access to networks, applications, databases, and other critical data on secured systems. A C|EH® understands attack strategies, the use of creative attack vectors, and mimics the skills and creativity of malicious hackers. Unlike malicious hackers and actors, Certified Ethical Hackers operate with permission from the system owners and take all precautions to ensure the outcomes remain confidential. Bug bounty researchers are expert ethical hackers who use their attack skills to uncover vulnerabilities in the systems.

The Certified Ethical Hacker has been battle-hardened over the last 20 years, creating hundreds of thousands of Certified Ethical Hackers employed by top companies, militaries, and governments worldwide.

Training in a nutshell:

The C|EH program cover a variety of topics that center around the Tactics and Procedures required to be a tactical cybersecurity professional. Focusing on the entire kill-chain process, C|EH covers a variety of topics from foot printing and reconnaissance, to scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, and covering your tracks. This 5-phase ethical hacking process applies to a variety of scenarios including traditional on-premises networks, cloud, hybrid, IoT systems, and stretches across a variety of topologies and application environments. Students will learn a variety of tools and techniques across this evaluation process as well as how hackers will utilize the same TTPs to hack into organizations.

Target audience:

Mid-Level Information Security Auditor;  Cybersecurity Auditor; Security Administrator; IT Security Administrator; Cyber Defense Analyst; Vulnerability Assessment Analyst; Warning Analyst; Information Security Analyst 1; Security Analyst L1; Infosec Security Administrator; Cybersecurity Analyst level 1, level 2, & level 3; Network Security Engineer; SOC Security Analyst; Security Analyst; Network Engineer; Senior Security Consultant; Information Security Manager; Senior SOC Analyst; Solution Architect; Cybersecurity Consultant

What’s New in the C|EH® v12

The C|EH® v12 is a specialized and one-of-a-kind training program to teach you everything you need to know about ethical hacking with hands-on training, labs, assessment, a mock engagement  practice, and global hacking competition.

The C|EH® v12 training program includes 20 modules covering various technologies, tactics, and procedures, providing prospective ethical hackers with the core knowledge needed to thrive in cybersecurity.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • practice professional ethical hacking;
  • act according to Cyber Kill chain and use it effectively;
  • evaluate target systems for vulnerabilities, misconfiguration and weaknesses;
  • find the weakest link in an organization through concepts like social engineering;
  • understand, how hackers operate, what tactics they use, and how to apply those tactics in a professional setting to identify weaknesses in your organization
  • apply remediation strategies before their organization becomes the next victim of a cyberattack or breach.

Prerequisites to the course (recommended):

There are no specific prerequisites for the C|EH program, however we strongly recommend candidates possess a minimum of 2 years’ experience in IT security before joining a C|EH training program.

C|EH training is about testing systems and using them for purposes not originally intended, candidates should understand the basic functions of those IT systems before attempting to hack them.

If you do not possess the foundational skills in IT and Networking, we recommend starting with our free cybersecurity Essentials Series found here: DFE - Digital Forensics Essentials; EHE - Ethical Hacking Essentials; NDE - Network Defence Essentials

Training Principles:

Delivered through a carefully curated training plan that typically spans five days, the 12th version of the C|EH® continues to evolve to keep up with the latest OS, exploits, tools, and techniques. The concepts covered in the training programm are split 50/50 between knowledge-based training and hands-on application through our cyber range.Every tactic discussed in training is backed by step-by-step labs conducted in a virtualized environment with live targets, live tools, and vulnerable systems. Through our lab technology, every participant will have comprehensive hands-on practice to learn and apply their knowledge.”

Length:40 academic hours

The prerequisite for issuing the certificate is full participation in training.

Continuing Education Curriculum Group: 0612 Database and Network Design and Administration Curriculum Group

The training topics and description:

Module 01: Introduction to Ethical Hacking

Module 02: Foot Printing and Reconnaissance

Module 03: Scanning Networks

Module 04: Enumeration

Module 05: Vulnerability Analysis

Module 06: System Hacking

Module 07: Malware Threats

Module 08: Sniffing

Module 09: Social Engineering

Module 10: Denial-of-Service

Module 11: Session Hijacking

Module 12: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots

Module 13: Hacking Web Servers

Module 14: Hacking Web Applications

Module 15: SQL Injction

Module 16: Hacking Wireless Networks

Module 17: Hacking Mobile Platforms

Module 18: IoT and OT Hacking

Module 19: Cloud Computing

Module 20: Cryptography

About The CEH v12 Exam:

This knowledge-based exam will test your skills in Information Security Threats and Attack Vectors, Attack Detection, Attack Prevention, Procedures, Methodologies and more!

  • Number of Questions: 125
  • Test Duration: 4 Hours
  • Test Format: Multiple Choice
  • Test Delivery: ECC EXAM, VUE
  • Exam Prefix: 312-50 (ECC EXAM), 312-50 (VUE)

The training price also includes:

  • study materials;
  • certificate;

See you at training!


The training is conducted by Ivica Gjorgjevski.

Trainer introduction: 

Ivica Gjorgjevski is a recognized expert in information and cyber security with more than 15 years of experience in this field. After 4 years working in the army, he joined the National Security Authority (Directorate for Security of Classified Information). Currently working as a head of the sector for information security. Besides the full-time job in the NSA, he also works for Semos Education, leading company in North Macedonia for IT education, as a certified EC-Council instructor and delivers cyber security trainings all over Europe. His field of expertise is ethical hacking, network defending, incident handling. He is currently holding some of the top cybersecurity certifications (CEH, CEI, CND, ECIH, CompTIA Security +).


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